Sabtu, 12 Desember 2015

Watching the Geminids Live | SpaceX Targets December 19th | The False Positives of Kepler

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Geminid Meteor Shower, Best of the Year, Peaks Sunday: Watch It Live

The Geminid meteor shower will peak on Sunday (Dec. 13) and Monday (Dec. 14). The online Slooh Community Observatory will host a webcast Sunday night for the event.
SpaceX Shooting for a Dec. 19 Falcon Return-to-Flight Launch

Thursday's briefing begins with word from Elon Musk that SpaceX is tracking toward a Dec. 19 liftoff of Falcon 9 on its first mission since June's failure.

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Space and Time Collide in New Space Watches

In science, space and time are intimately linked. So it's no surprise that some new high-end watches are looking to space travel and technology to attract the timepiece connoisseur.

Space Taxes

Half of Kepler's Giant Exoplanet Candidates Are False Positives: Study

More than half of the giant alien planet candidates detected by NASA's prolific Kepler space telescope are false positives, according to a new study.
Additional Space Headlines

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We put some of the best deals on space related merchandise and much more directly in front of you, getting you ready for an out of the world holiday season. Follow us today!

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'The Martian' Snags 3 Golden Globe Nominations, Including 'Best Comedy'

The sci-fi epic The Martian&; has been nominated for three Golden Globe awards — including, a bit confusingly, "Best Comedy".

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French Sensor for NASA Mars Lander Should Be Fixed in Time for Launch 

The Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS) instrument, which developed a leak in its vacuum container, is expected to be ready for shipment to the United States in early January.

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Sun-Watching Observatory Celebrates 20 Stellar Years in Space (Video)
A satellite that has revolutionized scientists' understanding of the sun marked 20 years in space last week.
No Laser Signals Detected from 'Alien Megastructure' Star
It's looking less and less likely that a faraway star's strange dimming was caused by some kind of alien megastructure.
DARPA Scraps Plan To Launch Small Sats from F-15 Fighter Jet
DARPA had scrapped plans to launch small satellites from a modified F-15 fighter jet after two test of a new rocket fuel ended in explosions this year.
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